Tuesday, August 26, 2014

To achieve a Second Wind... you have to have a First wind!

No matter who you are, what level your fitness is, or what your goals are, starting a new workout regiment or trying to get started back Can really suck.

Running, working out, sports, any exercise, they are all beautifully evil.  It takes a considerable amount of time to get bigger, stronger, faster, leaner, (pick your flavor) and a painfully small amount of time to lose all those precious gains.

Take this summer:  I was swamped all summer and for the first time in years, I basically did next to nothing (in the way of running and/or Crossfit).  From June - today, here's the entire list of my movements:
June:  10, 11...13...17...18...23...24
July:  1 Run in Nicaragua and 4 days of making cement blocks in Nicaragua
          That's it.
August:  7, 8, .... 26.

Yep.  So from June 1st - August 26 I had 6 Crossfit workouts, 3 running days, and 2 pickup soccer games.

Ouch.  If I don't workout and/or run, I get grumpy, I get anxious, my patience goes down, and it doesn't take long before my wife grabs me and tells me to go workout so that maybe I'll be a nicer person!  But again, sometimes I get so busy that I do Not make time for it...

So, this morning was my kickoff date of back to my regular routine (6:00am workouts) and it was a breath of fresh air and a swift kick in the gut all at the same time!

So, here's to all of you wondering if you can start a regiment for the first time, those who are starting back "tomorrow", and those who have been out of bounds for too long... jump in!  Get in the game of life!  Understand that it sucks for elites, the nobodies, and everyone in between.... for a brief moment.

Soak up Life, you can do it, you do fell better, you will have more energy, you will feel Less stress (not more) by taking more time to do this.

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