Second Wind

Second Wind
"Run With Purpose!"

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Spring running:

My favorite times to run (to live!) are early spring and early fall.  The changing weather, the crisp mornings, that breeze you only get those times of year... I love it!

As I broke out on my run this morning I had run about a mile when I realized that I had missed it.  See, I was coming off of a series of breathing issues over the past couple months (asthma and bronchitis) and I was determined to get out and run and get to it!  But after running about a mile it hit me that I was running on damp ground from the rain last night, the ground was old busted and broken asphalt sidewalk covered in a million textures, there was a cool breeze blowing, the sky was blue, the morning was quiet, and there were colors changing for the spring all around me, and I hadn't seen, heard, or felt any of it.  All I had in my head was noise.  I was focused on body angles, breath cadences, pressure points on my feet,

Form is so important, but once you know it, forget it!  Once you know what you're supposed to do, and you've trained yourself to carry it out, just trust your body - it will do what it was designed to do - and enjoy the run!  I had momentarily forgotten my rule of run for the love.  If we run as work, then that's all it will ever be.

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