Last year I got to run a Spartan race with a group of America's finest. Before the race, one of the LEOs who had signed up for this particular chest thumping torture test was a guy named Nate.
I didn't know Nate's story at the time but was able to learn a bit of it over the next year and the story was so inspiring that I wanted to take a moment to share.
First off, Nate was a college athlete and, as such, a big strong guy.
Nate was also diagnosed with diabetes and the medical condition began, over the years, to take a toll on his body. Now, as an adult, a dedicated husband, a devoted father, and a fulltime sheep dog (with a K-9 partner of his own), Nate didn't have a lot of time to devote to himself. Long hours, long nights, changing shifts, a four legged partner, a baby, and the extra jobs that our Law Enforcement officers have to take in order to support a family didn't allow Nate much remaining focus to take care of his diabetes or, therefore, his overall health.
One day, God gave Nate a serious wake up call. Nate knew, that day, that it was time to change.... everything.
Most people would start small and verify results before making any big plunges. That's what gets "most" people into trouble, often times. Nate? Nate, before his journey back to a healthy lifestyle even started, he got a call from a fellow officer inviting him to come with them on a Spartan race several months out. That was all Nate needed - that was his motivational goal, that would be his measuring stick, he signed on the dotted line, and went to work.
Remember that first picture?
After several months, the day arrived (the day I met Nate) and Nate, like thousands before him, toed the starting line of the biggest OCR brand in the world.
Also like thousands before him and thousands more to come (myself included), as soon as he finished the race, he was hooked.
In the next year, Nate would continue to trim down his waist, build up his strength, bore out his engine, and would run several half marathons and several more Spartans (even entering - and fairing quite well - in his first Competitive heat).
Nate didn't buy into any gimmicks. There were no "super pills", no "detox" drinks, no fad videos, just clean eating and dirty training. As the pictures show, Nate's dedication to his health, through diet control, protein consumption, HIIT, running, and support from his wife, Lauren, Nate was able to transform his life. To beat back against the weight of his diabetes, and to make sure he keeps his ability to serve and protect the rest of us with the best of his ability, while being around for a very, Very long time for his beautiful family.
Nate, from the whole Spartan family, "AROO!"
Congratulations on all your accomplishments this past year.
Joe D and the Spartan family are proud to present you with a FREE RACE CODE good for Any open heat Spartan Race this year!
Notice the missing hardware in that 3rd picture!
For everyone else who wants to follow Nate's example and get on board, follow a KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid) program, love protein, HIIT is your friend, follow this blog, look for daily Spartan Workouts, daily Spartan Meals, and check out Joe DeSena's new book (releasing August 2nd) called "Spartan Fit!"