Thursday, July 23, 2015

Can Nike really = Minimalism?

Nike spent years of denying the existence of the minimalist market. This was even after they had created one of the earliest _more_ minimalist shoes in 2005 with the Free. Granted, that's an AWFUL minimalist shoe, but for the time, it was about as minimalist as any mainstream shoe out. 

Nike has continued to stay out of the discussion mostly, save a few feeble attempts at comparing Free 5.0/6.0/7.0 to "free movement" running shoes. 

But, try as they might to ignore the Crossfit movement and the minimalist movements and write them off as fads (after Reebok had the Crossfit contract), both fitness revolutions are still alive and kicking. 

As such, Nike finally decided to get in on the action!  Earlier this year they released their first Crossfit shoe in the Metcon1. 
Now... It's the minimalist's turn!  Nike is Finally entering the field with the Free 1.0

It's a VERY early look... But first look looks pretty good!