Thursday, January 15, 2015

Spartan Up 2015!

Alright folks, I hope everyone had a great Christmas and an excellent New Year!
Unlike a lot of people, I recommend people take some time off at the holidays (or another time you choose) to relax, spend time with family and friends, enjoy food and drink and late nights that you might not normally, and take a refresher.  Then, when you come back after the break, you're reinvigorated, your love for the sport is rekindled, and you're ready to go!  Well, now is that time - so, let's start it off right:  Spartan Up!

Spartan race has been my favorite series and one that I want to continue.  I usually go through what I call the typical Rule of 3's after completing a Spartan Beast:
3 Seconds after finishing:     OMG!  I did it!  Yeah!  I'm a BEAST!  AROO!

3 Minutes after finishing:     That's the worst thing Ive ever done, why don't I have better friends who would have told me what a stupid idea this was!

3 Hours after finishing:         I am NEVER doing this again.  Ever.

3 Days after finishing:           Zomg... DOMS!

3 Weeks after Finishing:        meh, that wasn't so bad... Matter of fact, I'd say that was the Best. Race. Ever.  I just signed up for the next race - who's with me!?"

Now, what's exciting about this next year about Spartan is that they're doing All new medals (don't lie... you know you're a medal whore), Lots of new locations, and (FINALLY) doing new race distance specific t-shirts!  I'm sorry, but the jerk side of me was always bothered by the fact that the guy who did the 3 1/2 mile sprint in the nice 80 degree weather had the exact same finisher shirt as the guys who did a 15 mile Beast in 32 degrees!  Oh, new medals, new locations, new T-Shirts, AND over half a million bucks in prize money.  You know... if you're into that sort of thing... ;)

Additionally, they've added some really cool new things recently that you should check out:
1.  Spartan Race has rolled out their Annual Pass which allows you to attend Unlimited Spartan Races in the USA (all 50 states), VIP access to all races, annual Global Rescue Membership, Free bag checks for your flights, and lots of travel discounts (including Enterprise, Uber,, Wyndom Hotel Group)

2. I'm really excited about Joe's new Spartan Up Podcast.  While there are a ton of Podcasts out there, what's sets this one apart is not only do we get Joe, but the interviews are truly awesome (Richard Branson, Ran, Fiennes, and Mimi Anderson just to name a few)

3.   Food of the Day (in addition to workout of the day)

4.   Spartan Magazine

5.  And finally... Spartan has decided to really set themselves apart here....
     In March of this year they're rolling out the first ever Spartan Cruise.
     Yes.  You read that right.  Spartan.  Cruise.