Tuesday, July 31, 2012

VMC 5k Captain's luncheon

The VMC race is upcoming and this year they are having 2 separate races:  the regular 5k and this year they're adding a "doughnut dash" (run, snarf down 24 Dunkin Donut Munchkins, and dash back).  The race is on Saturday Sept. 29th and the Captains meeting is Thursday, August 9th at noon (lunch on them) at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Knoxville, TN.  I will be there, along with Kim and Lori.

Here are the details for the captains luncheon:

The luncheon is on Thursday, August 9th at Noon at the Crowne Plaza.  As always, come and enjoy lunch on us and learn all about being a team captain. 

I also wanted to let you all know that we have added another race this year.  The First Annual Dunkin’ Donut Dash will take place immediately following the 5K Race.  The Dunkin’ Donut Dash is a 5K with the additional challenge of eating 24 Dunkin’ Donut Munchkins in the middle of the race.  I know what all of you are thinking – I promise it will be fun and something unique to offer to the teenagers and college kids we all know. 

If you aren’t able to make it but want to be a captain, just let me know and we can work something out.

Also, if you aren’t interested in participating this year, let me know so that I can remove you from my list.

Please RSVP to me by August 8th and I hope that all of you can make it! 


Tuesday, July 24, 2012

2nd Annual Training runs (FREE) starting August 14th!

Come join Lori Tucker (WATE), Kim Hansard (Star102.1), and myself and get
Ready To Run!

Hey everyone, I'm very excited to announce my partnership with Volunteer Ministry Center in Knoxville, TN (celebrating their 25th year of motivating and helping Up the homeless and poor of Knoxville).

I'll be conducting FREE training runs again this year putting participants through the 'Dormant 2 Dominant: 7 weeks to your first 5k' program!  The class will be largely focused on new runners, casual runners, and those who have Never run before, however special time is always given to those who are experienced, competitive, barefoot runners, and those wishing to transition to barefoot/minimalist running.

This is all to get everyone ready for the Volunteer Ministry Center (VMC) 5k this year, which will be held on September 29th.

On the training days we will discuss proper form, training advice, how to run, how to land, how to breathe, etc. as well as do training runs each time.
Additionally, on the first night I will provide everyone who attends with a free training program designed to get you ready for your first 5k in just 7 weeks (not only that - but in just 3 days a week and just 20-30 minutes each of those days - you can do this!).

Each night will begin and end with an open forum for people to ask questions specifically related to their own needs, form questions, general running questions, barefoot and/or minimalist questions, questions about/from Second Wind: the running coach you never had but always needed, etc.

If you are an experienced runner, come learn about barefoot and minimalist running, better efficiency, and injury prevention

If you are a novice runner, come get instruction specific to your own needs and concerns and get yourself in racing form

If you are a brand new runner (or one who has Never run) come learn from the ground up (literally) and gain the information and confidence to go from not being a runner at all to running your first 5k in just 7 weeks (yes, you CAN do this!)!

The dates: (note - all runs are held at 7:00pm at the World's Fair Site in Knoxville, TN - the track around the lawn - just past the fountains - and there is free parking across the railroad tracks from the Foundry)

August 14th
August 21st
August 28th
September 4th
September 11th  (the group will still meet-but I will be out of town on this date)
September 18th
September 25th
And the race is on September 29th

For more information, contact  Karol Harper at: kharper@vmcinc.org