Each race has some good stuff, some bad, and some stupid (such as "The toughest course you've ever run in your life, you'll never finish, was invented by Navy Seals!" and it's a 5k). We then compiled a list of our top 5 or so and really started digging in, finding everything we could, reading race reports, watching helmet cams on YouTube, asking friends and fellow crazy people, anything we could find. What we found surprised us. See, we expected to find the top half dozen, have no real way to differentiate them, and then just try a couple and see what happens. We were wrong.
Holy wow! Alright, I can go on and on about why this is so awesome and what all they have (and I will), but nothing else matters until you watch this 4 minute video - seriously, it's that good. If this video doesn't get you fired up, you need to check your pulse!
Ok, now that you are sufficiently fired up and ready to run through walls and jump through fire - here's what Else we found that make Spartan Races look so amazing:
Spartan Races are held all over the USA and also 5 additional countries. The locations make it where there will always be one within a reasonable short drive of you, the obstacles are tough, numerous, and varied, and, the coolest thing of all (other than the Eric Thomas video you just watched) is that the Spartan Race is offered in 4 different distances - and all races include a t-shirt, a completion medal, after party, and awards for top 3 male and female finishers:
1. The Spartan Sprint:
Spartan Sprints are muddy 3.1 MILES / 15+ OBSTACLES course races. The challenging sprint races are a great way to get off your couch and start living. Beginners to hardcore warriors, and marathon runners alike come out to test themselves on the insane obstacles! This 5k race is comprised of mud runs, obstacles, trail racing, physical challenges and mental challenges all in a 3+ race. 99.9% of all people who try this event will finish, and 100% will have their thirst for mud fully satisfied!
2. The Super Spartan:
The Super Spartan obstacle race provides an 8-10 MILES / 20+ OBSTACLES battlefield of insane mud running with 20 or more obstacles to test your physical strength and mental resolve. This mud fest of a race will have many trials to push you to your limits that any man or woman with resolve can complete! This endurance race conists of mud runs, trails, and both mental and physical obstacles and challenges. The good news is that after you complete your painful journey, there will be live music and a catered meal to soothe your aching joints
3. The Beast:
13-15 MILES / 25+ OBSTACLES - An obstacle Race from Hell.
If you have done any race anywhere in the world: whether a mud run, fun run, olympic run, bike race, death march or any kind of event claiming to be the "toughest race on the planet" you will be happy to know that this is where it ends..THIS IS THE SPARTAN BEAST... Step up and get out of your comfort zone on our 13+ mile beast of an obstacle course race; many will arrive, but very few will finish!
*4. The Death Race:
This is highest level of Spartan Challenge. Not widely marketed (with a website that is "www.youmaydie.com")The death race is designed to present you with the totally unexpected, and the totally insane! Traditional physical challenges will make giving birth look like a walk in the park. This endurance race is comprised of mud runs, obstacle racing, trail racing, physical challenges and mental challenges all in a +48 hour adventure race. 90% of you will not complete this endurance race. Please only consider this adventure style race if you have lived a full life to date.
The races look amazing and I highlighted the... uh... important parts ;)
So here's the deal, you've got to get in on this somehow, check the events page and get signed up for one and let me know which one you're doing!
I'm going to do the Carolina THE BEAST obstacle course in November (I think this around is a little over the 13 mile mark and, according to Spartan, is the toughest course in the country, The hardest race course they offer short of 48 hour Death Race, so... who's in!?
Join my team, we'll take the weak, the strong, the crazy, the racers, the casual, come on out and have some FUN with team "What Was I Thinking".
Not only that, but shoot me an email or facebook message about Why you want to run a Spartan Race (bonus points for pictures and/or videos) and you just might win a FREE race entry!
Also, EVERYONE Gets to use this link (http://bit.ly/spartanwarrior) to get
15% off ANY Spartan Race registration
(and the prices are always cheaper the earlier you register so get on it!)
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